Waterfront Regional Trust Board of Directors

Scarborough Walk of Fame inducts Pauline Browes, Waterfront Regeneration Trust Board member, recognizing her incredible accomplishments in the environmental field.
Pauline demonstrated her incredible work ethic and authoritative command of the challenges facing the Rouge Valley and the promise it holds. She remains respected as an authority on how to protect and conserve the Rouge Valley, knowing, as she does, every inch of the beloved river valley.

Pauline’s dedication, perseverance and effectiveness are legendary. She elevated Scarborough citizens’ concerns for the Rouge Valley to a national level mobilizing all-party political support in the government of Canada to protect the Rouge Valley. After she left politics, she continued to be a leading champion for the Valley and ultimately secured permanent federal funding to protect Rouge Valley as Canada’s first National Urban Park, located in Scarborough.

Her success is a tribute to her positive approach, commitment to collaboration, determination to embrace big, bold ideas and work ethic in making things happen—and she is a joy to work with.

The WRT Board established the Pauline Browes Future Conservation Leaders Fellowship in 2019 to honour Pauline’s work and foster the next generation of leaders who will carry the stewardship torch for the Rouge Valley.

Pauline’s positive impact on the environment has been felt internationally and nationally through the many leadership roles she has assumed. It is in her hometown of Scarborough where she leaves one of her most impactful and lasting legacies — the Rouge National Urban Park.

Congratulations, Pauline, on a well-deserved honour.