An ideal rest stop along the North Channel, Blind River has been a historic gathering spot since the early 1600s. Located at the halfway point between Sudbury and Sault Ste. Marie, this warm community has a full suite of amenities available.
Noted as a hotspot on The North Channel, Blind River is one of its most beautiful ports.
All of the community events are posted at The Park, as well as updated daily on Blind River’s website. Please make a point to be in town during the summer months to enjoy the Concerts By The River Series every Thursday. Community Days, Seniors’ Games, and various fall-themed events are ever-changing. Farmers Markets are hosted twice per week to deliver the freshest produce and goods in Algoma. Please reach out to us with any questions at Our community is surrounded by beaches, green spaces, parks, and playgrounds. We invite you to stop, stay, relax and enjoy our gem!
Visitors can hike or ride the Boom Camp Interpretive Trails system, which melds rich cultural and historic significance with scenic vistas and soft sand beaches via 12km of multi-season trails, or stop at the Timber Village Museum and the Northern Ontario Logging Memorial to take in some local history. Those that wish to leave the shore behind will find that they have numerous opportunities to get out on the water, with not just Lake Huron, but a wealth of local lakes, rivers and wilderness areas to explore. And if you’re looking for a hidden gem? Visit Fourth Sand Beach, located just off of Huron Beach Road. You will not be disappointed.
Travellers can base themselves at a number of comfortable motels, B&Bs and cottages and enjoy exceptional food at several local restaurants, including a seasonal venue at the Town’s marina, located on Lake Huron’s famed North Channel cruising waters.

Trail Attributes
Distance: 18km
3km on Provincial Highway 17, with consistent high volume traffic, little-to-no shoulders and a posted speed limit of 80km/h. (Highway improvements, including paved shoulders, to be complete by Spring, 2018)
7km of off-road, unpaved trail
Paved, urban residential roads