In Cramahe Township, the Trail follows the route used by settlers almost two hundred years ago. You’ll find a strong sense of history including vintage architecture, historic murals and Victoria Square, an oval shaped park next to the amenities of Colborne’s downtown and a wonderful place to stop on the Trail to relax, pick up visitor information or grab a bite to eat.
King Street has some excellent places to stop – browse the downtown, visit the Colborne Art Gallery or shop for the essentials. Need a snack along the way? This is apple country. In the mosaic of farms that stitch it together, McIntosh (Ontario’s favourite), Granny, Cortland, Northern spy, Empire, Gala and Delicious apples are grown and many orchards and farms welcome the public. For example, Wicklow Way, a certified Organic farm specializing in flavourful vegetables, artisan sourdough breads, eggs, and poultry, is a great stop on the Trail.
If you find yourself in town for an afternoon take the heritage walking tour. Maps are available at the town office.

Trail Attributes
Unshouldered rural highway with a speed limit of 80km/h.
Asphalt, on-road. Portions along HWY 2 require caution since speed limit is 80 kph.
1.5 metre cycling lane on HWY 2 begins at Coulton St. and continues until the Trail turns south at Union Rd.