We have been in operation since 1988, first as the Royal Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront, then as the Waterfront Regeneration Trust. During that time, we’ve made significant progress in making the trail and greenway a great place for people to live, work, play and visit. Here’s a timeline of key of milestones.
Public dismay over the development of federal waterfront property leads the Government of Canada to establish the Royal Commission on the Future of the Toronto Waterfront with Honourable David Crombie as Commissioner.
The Government of Ontario recognizes the importance of the Royal Commission’s Interim Report and its recommendations to the federal government by granting David Crombie a provincial mandate for the Commission. This is only the second time there is a joint federal/provincial royal commission. Further, the provincial mandate expands the geographic scope of the Commission to include the waterfront from Burlington to Newcastle and north to the Oak Ridges Moraine–the Greater Toronto Bioregion or watershed.
The Interim Report identifies the Rouge Valley as a unique resource for metropolitan Toronto and the last opportunity to preserve a significant urban wilderness in the heart of the Greater Toronto Area. Accordingly, the Royal Commission recommends that the Rouge River Valley be protected as a natural heritage park and that the Province should co-operate immediately with the federal government in establishing such a park, as outlined in the proposal of the Save the Rouge Valley System group. Among the threats facing the Rouge Valley are the Province’s proposed East Metro Transportation Corridor (EMTC) and a proposed garbage dump site.
The Crombie Commission publishes Watershed, its second interim report including 80 recommendations related to watershed planning and waterfront development.
The Provincial government announces its commitment to creating the Rouge Park, a positive response to the Commission’s first Interim report in 1989.
Ontario establishes the Waterfront Regeneration Trust to implement recommendations of “Regeneration”, a Royal Commission report which includes over 80 recommendations based on public consultations. One of these recommendations is to create a continuous waterfront trail along the Lake Ontario shoreline.
The Trust examines the issues around building an expressway along Hamilton’s Red Hill Creek, and works with community groups and residents to develop a plan that protects the Creek while also serving transportation needs.
The Trust mediates issues concerning Clarington’s Westside Marsh and a local quarry expansion. Over the next three years, the Trust facilitates the creation of a plan that preserves 60% of the marsh and lets the quarry continue operations.
David Crombie is appointed as the Rouge Park Facilitator by the Province of Ontario to develop consensus and a Park Agreement outlining a management structure and funding to make the Rouge Park operational as a park. The Waterfront Regeneration Trust leads consultations with stakeholders and the community to develop options that result in the creation of the Rouge Alliance
The Trust opens the Waterfront Trail, a 350-kilometre, virtually continuous trail along the Lake Ontario shoreline, which connects hundreds of parks, historic and cultural sites, wildlife habitats and recreation areas from Stoney Creek to Trenton.
The Lake Ontario Greenway Strategy is released, which is a blueprint for protecting, restoring, and enhancing the waterfront and bioregion. Also, the first edition of The Waterfront Trail Guidebook is published.
Heritage Canada donates $8.5 million to the Trust to support the conservation of the Rouge Valley and additional funding to purchase the Bead Hill site, which was transferred to the Rouge Park.
The Waterfront Regeneration Trust releases $300,000 from the Rouge Fund towards the purchase of lands in the Altona Forest.
The Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC) announces a 5-year, $1 million partnership with the Trust.
The Trust supports the launch of the Toronto Bay Initiative, a grassroots organization whose goal is to protect and restore the Toronto Bay.
The Trust launches the Rouge Valley Natural Heritage Program, in partnership with the Rouge Park Alliance and Toronto Region Conservation, to support community-based restoration and protection projects in the Rouge Valley.
The Trust publishes “Greening Toronto’s Port Lands”, a plan for improving the area’s visual, recreational, and environmental quality, in collaboration with landscape architect Michael Hough.
The Trust coordinates the first waterfront-wide user survey of the Waterfront Trail. The results confirm the public’s overwhelming support for a continuous trail along Lake Ontario.
The Washington D.C.-based Waterfront Center honours the Waterfront Trail and the Humber River Bicycle/Pedestrian Bridge for excellence in design.
$1.5 million in donations raised by philanthropist Jim Fleck are held in the Trust’s Waterfront Regeneration Fund and designated for the Toronto Music Garden. The design is inspired and championed by cellist Yo Yo Ma.
The Trust begins a partnership with the Toronto Region Conservation Authority, Environment Canada and the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, to provide leadership for the Toronto Remedial Action Plan to improve water quality and habitats.
In partnership with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the German Marshall Fund, and Environment Canada, the Trust’s International Brownfield Exchange is launched.
The Waterfront Regeneration Trust becomes an independent, charitable organization.
An innovative partnership involving the City of Hamilton, Hamilton Region Conservation Authority, Waterfront Regeneration Trust and the Province begins the long-awaited transformation of Hamilton Beach. The partnership includes the transfer of public lands and financing for Waterfront Trail development. Funds for the latter are held in the Waterfront Regeneration Fund.
The Trust publishes “Decade of Regeneration: Realizing a Vision for Lake Ontario”, a chronicle of revitalization achievements along the Lake Ontario waterfront.
David Crombie leads a series of 3 waterfront walking tours in partnership with the City of Toronto. Over 200 people attend each walk.
Working with 28 municipalities and over 30 community partners, the Trust coordinates a funding proposal that would bring $45 million of investment along Lake Ontario’s waterfront.
The Trust hosts the fourth annual Clean Waters Summit and launches Clean Waters, Healthy Habitats, a call to action for the Toronto waterfront and watersheds.
CIBC recommits to the partnership that will complete the 740 km Waterfront Trail over the next three years. Since the inception of the Trail, CIBC has contributed $1.25 million.
The Trust organizes the Toronto Star End to End Tour of the Waterfront Trail. The tour becomes the subject of a six-part feature in the Toronto Star, profiling regeneration successes of waterfront communities and the Waterfront Trail.
The Trust publishes the 2002 Waterfront User Survey, the only comprehensive research that profiles Trail users and records their assessments of the Trail. The survey confirms that over 90% of respondents support the creation of a continuous Waterfront Trail.
The Ontario Trillium Foundation funds the Trust’s work in three communities to help them create waterfront strategies.
The Canada-Ontario Infrastructure Program and SuperBuild announce their contribution of $9.2 million to support the Trust’s Expansion and Enhancement of the Waterfront Trail and Greenway. Municipalities and local partners will invest an additional $23 million to complete 53 projects along the Waterfront Trail.
The WRT creates the Pedal Passport, a brochure outlining six-weekend itineraries that together take people from Niagara-on-the-Lake to Brockville along the Waterfront Trail.
46 kilometres of Waterfront Trail in signed along the Loyalist Parkway in Greater Napanee and Loyalist.
The WRT launches the redesigned website for the Waterfront Trail. The first phase of the redesign posts a complete set of maps for the Trail from Niagara-on-the-Lake to Brockville and suggested itineraries.
Twelve of the fifty-three projects from the Expansion and Enhancement of the Waterfront Trail and Greenway are completed.
Gananoque signs its portion of the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail.
The WRT Board approves the extension of the Lake Ontario Waterfront Trail to the Quebec border. Discussions begin with the local communities to set agreements in place.
WRT staff meets with partners from communities east of Brockville as part of the 2006 End-to-End Tour. WRT receives enthusiastic support for the extension of the Trail from Brockville to the Quebec border.
The Waterfront Trail is signed to the Quebec border. Trust welcomes 7 new communities to the Waterfront Trail partnership. Plans are put in place to construct a kiosk at the border to mark the connection with la Route Verte.
WRT celebrates the completion of the 52 projects that comprise the Expansion and Enhancement of the Waterfront Trail and Greenway. Together the projects represent $22 M public investment in the waterfront.
David Crombie is appointed as the Federal Representative on the future of Port Oshawa and local waterfront redevelopment to examine controversial expansion plans for Oshawa’s Port.
In response to overwhelming support from the partnership, the Trust launches the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure, an 8-day end-to-end cycling tour of the Waterfront Trail, designed to showcase the Waterfront Trail and the communities along the route, and promote cycle tourism and healthy, active living in Ontario. The Great Waterfront Trail Adventure is generously supported by the Ontario Trillium Foundation and CIBC. CIBC renews its partnership with the WRT providing $250,000 over five years.
The WRT launches an initiative to extend the Waterfront Trail and the partnership along Lake Erie, adding another 600 km. The work is generously supported by the Great Lakes Guardian Fund and Ministry of Tourism.
The WRT compiles a second phase for the Waterfront Investment Program that will deliver 25 improvements and enhancements to the Waterfront Trail. The program involves 16 municipal partners and represents an investment of $18 M.
A number of WRT partners’ waterfront projects receive funding from various infrastructure funds including the construction of a pedestrian/cycling bridge in Hamilton over the QEW connecting the Waterfront Trail to the Red Hill Valley.
Velo Quebec hosts its first Grand Tour in Ontario along the St. Lawrence River in partnership with the Waterfront Regeneration Trust. The event sets a record, bringing 2000 Quebec and international cyclists to the region.
In the Speech from the Throne, the Government of Canada announces its intention to create a national urban park in the Rouge Valley.
WRT begins work on creating a new cycling route in partnership with the Greenbelt Foundation. The Greenbelt Route fulfills the WRT mandate to establish a green network connecting the Lake Ontario watershed. The new route will include 3-5 links with the Waterfront Trail, creating several regional loops for cyclists to enjoy.
CAASCO, partners with WRT which includes providing support for the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail Adventure through its innovative Mobile Bike Assist.
The WRT adds a new Lake to the Waterfront Trail, signing 600km of new trail from Fort Erie to Windsor and Lakeshore on Lake St. Clair. The new route connects 27 new waterfront communities. Support is provided by Ontario’s Southwest.
The new Lake Erie Waterfront Trail is launched with a seven-day Great Waterfront Trail Adventure with over 220 participants with support from CAASCO.
Communities in Lambton County approach the Trust about joining the Waterfront Trail by signing route from Lakeshore to Grand Bend.
Ragnar Relay Series hosts their first international event along the Waterfront Trail. 1300 runners completed a two day relay race from Cobourg to Niagara Falls along the Waterfront Trail. Ragnar Relay donates $25,000 to the Waterfront Trail.
The WRT begins work with Tourism Northern Ontario and Trans Canada Trail to implement the 380 km Lake Huron North Channel cycling route between Sault Ste Marie and Sudbury. The route will signed as both Trans Canada Trail and Great Lakes Waterfront Trail.
The Rouge Natural Heritage program winds down as Parks Canada begins work on the Rouge Management Plan.
The WRT concludes a partner-wide strategic planning process and receives a mandate from its partners to embrace a Great Lakes vision for the Waterfront Trail.
Niagara River Recreation Trail will be co-signed as the Waterfront Trail, thereby adding another 56 km of signed Waterfront Trail to enjoy.
The WRT partners with Velo Quebec to bring another Grand Tour to Ontario–this time to Hamilton, Niagara and Lake Erie region. The event brings 1800 cyclists to the region.
In May 2014, the WRT accepts an invitation from the Georgian Bay Cycling Route (GBCyR) Steering Committee to lead the initiative with the goal of adding the 1,000 km Route to the Waterfront Trail and extending the partnership to include communities along the Route. The expansion would help fulfill the Trust’s vision and mandate to create a Great Lakes Waterfront Trail.
The WRT launches the 470km Greenbelt Route from Niagara to Northumberland. The WRT led the work to create the signed route with generous funding from the Friends of the Greenbelt Foundation. The route showcases 27 communities and Ontario’s protected countryside. In addition to the linear route, 5 connections from the Great Lakes to the headwaters in the Greenbelt. Together the two connected trail form a regional watershed loop.
The Ministry of Transportation announces it will invest $15M to improve safety conditions for cyclists on provincial roads as part of its #CycleON strategy. Projects include shoulder improvements for 50 km of HWY 17 needed to establish a continuous route from Sault Ste Marie to Sudbury.
The WRT and the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority open the new Lynde Shores Waterfront Trail. Project funding ($600K) was secured by the WRT from the PanAm legacy fund to close a gap in the Trail between Whitby and Ajax and connect two provincially significant wetlands in Lynde Shores conservation area. The Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority leads the implementation of the long-awaited improvement. Durham Region and Town of Whitby construct the section of the Trail from the conservation area into the Town.
The WRT adds “Great Lakes” into the name of the Waterfront Trail and unveils new signage with the full name.
Pelee Island is designated as part of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail.
The federal government announces the historic establishment of the Rouge National Urban Park. The Rouge Alliance disbands having achieved a major goal that permanently sustains and protects the Valley.
From 1996 to 2013 the Waterfront Regeneration Trust provided $3.6M to support the Rouge Natural Heritage Grant Program. Projects include tree plantings, wetland restoration, stream rehabilitations, research and monitoring.
The WRT celebrates the 21st Anniversary of the Waterfront Trail on the occasion of founder David Crombie’s 80th birthday. Over 80 partners join the brief ceremonies on the Toronto Waterfront.
The Regional Municipality of Durham and the Durham Environmental Advisory Committee honour the WRT with the Jessica Markland Partnership Award for its work to close the gap in Lynde Shores.
The WRT partners with Metrolinx to create ten active transportation connections between GO bus and train stations and the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail.
On behalf of 84+ partners, the WRT is honoured to receive the Ontario Association of Landscape Architects Award for Service to the Environment in recognition of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail’s contribution to the sensitive, sustainable design for human use of the environment.
The 9th annual Great Waterfront Trail Adventure launches the newest section of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail from Pelee Island to Grand Bend.
The Ontario’s Southwest Edition of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail Mapbook is published with 36 detailed maps showing the route of the Trail from Niagara to Grand Bend.
Launch of Ontario 150: Celebrate by Bike, in partnership with the Greenbelt Foundation, Ontario by Bike and Share the Road. The program involves: 15 cycling events on the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail and Greenbelt Route, development of 15 legacy itineraries showcasing both routes, and hosting cycle education clinics.
WRT partners with Google to capture 360 degree imagery and map 100km of off-road Trail along the St. Lawrence River and along Lake Ontario. These 100km are now available to all Google Maps and Streetview users.
Establish three cycling connections between the Greenbelt Route and the Waterfront Trail to implement the Lake Ontario Watershed network.
Waterlution and the Waterfront Regeneration Trust create a youth ambassador program to introduce the next generation of water leaders to legacy work on the Trail.
Work to expand the Trail by 680 km from Grand Bend to Espanola and from Tobermory to Collingwood with funding received from the Ministry of Tourism Culture and Sport begins. This connection links the northern and southern sections of the Trail, connecting 22 communities.
Frontenac County joins the partnership and the Trail expands to include Wolfe and Howe Islands.
HamBur Loop in Burlington and Hamilton is signed and designated as part of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail.
The 2018 GWTA route celebrates a number of improvements completed by partner communities:
Construction of the Larry Ladd Harbour Trail Pedestrian Bridge in Oshawa. The bridge is part of a larger $1.3M initiative to remediate former harbour lands for public recreation. The $545K funding for the bridge came from the City, the federal government ($160K) and the Ontario Trillium Foundation ($272K).
14.5 km of HWY 33 between Bath and City of Kingston is resurfaced and widened with paved shoulders to better accommodate cyclists.
City of Kingston builds a 1.7 km asphalt bikeway and multi-use pathway along Bath Road from Collins Bay to Coverdale. This project is supported by $268,500 in funds from the Government of Ontario through the Ontario Municipal Cycling Infrastructure Program.
The Ministry of Transportation makes significant improvements recommended by the WRT to the western terminus of the Thousand Islands Parkway section of the Trail near Gananoque. The dedicated path is extended to Highway 2 where it connects to a bike lane and eliminates a dangerous crossing on the Thousand Island Parkway.
South Dundas, South Stormont and the St. Lawrence Parks Commission have upgraded a four-kilometre unpaved section of the trail, between the Upper Canada Bird Sanctuary and Upper Canada Village ($156K).
The first northern expansion of the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail along the Lake Huron North Channel is launched as part of the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure.
The Pauline Browes Fellowship is created by the Board of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust to honour Pauline’s years of leadership and dedication to protect the Rouge Valley and cultivate the next generation leaders working on this legacy.
Work with Parks Canada to establish a trail connection from Glen Rouge Campground to Lake Ontario as part of Great Lakes watershed network.
Trail projects led by community partners include:
2.4 km of resurfaced trail in the MTO right of way east of Blind River to North Shore along the Lake Huron North Channel
Work with the communities on St. Joseph Island and the Ministry of Transportation to designate a route for the Trail on the Island.
El Dorado Road connection—scenic hiking path meandering through forest, marshlands and scramble-worthy rocky balds, a collaborative project between Mississauga First Nation, and the Town of Blind River with funding from the Great Trail.
Paving of Brennan Harbour Road, Spanish.
The City of Sudbury signalizes the crossing of Regent Street and paves shoulders of RR55 between Simon Lake Road and Santala Rd.
In mid-March, the Province declares an emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic, ordering a province-wide lockdown and stay-at-home order. Over the coming months, as travel restrictions ease, there is surging use of parks and trails by the public, forcing beach closures and restrictions on operating hours to manage volumes. It becomes clear that there is a deficiency in the availability of connected, green natural spaces. The WRT serves as a one-window resource for the public, providing information about trail and park closures and restrictions and helping plan much-needed outdoor excursions.
With funding from the Greenbelt Foundation, the WRT launched nine signed cycling loops that use the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail, the Greenbelt Route and signed connector routes.
A partnership between Waterfront Regeneration Trust, Trans Canada Trail, Superior Country, and Destination Northern Ontario initiates a feasibility study for the expansion of the Trail along Lake Superior.
2021 – 2023
The Lake Superior Feasibility Study describes a plan to expand the Trail and designate it as part of the Trans Canada Trail and Great Lakes Waterfront Trail. Communities and tourism leaders support the expansion. Phased implementation begins with the development of digital trail resources, the installation of signs in 10 communities and the creation of “drive and ride” itineraries that showcase the North and promote a range of trail and outdoor experiences. The initiative and partnership were recognized by the Tourism Industry of Ontario Association in 2021 with two Ontario Tourism Resiliency Awards: Collaboration in the Cycling category and Collaboration in the Transportation category, and again in 2022. In 2023, the WRT and its partner Destination Northern Ontario received the Economic Developers Council of Ontario (EDCO) Award of Excellence for Tourist Attraction & Tourism Product Development for its work on the expansion.
September 2022 – Trans Canada Trail, the Waterfront Regeneration Trust (WRT) in Ontario, the Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to develop a binational Great Lakes tourism destination opportunity by 2024.
Coinciding with the opening of the Gordie Howe International Bridge, this destination opportunity will pave the way for cross-border trail tourism experiences promoting the use and enjoyment of the greenways, waterways and communities of Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan, the border cities on the Detroit River considered the heart of the Great Lakes, and a gateway to each country.