The Waterfront Regeneration Trust’s work to protect, connect and celebrate the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River is supported by a number of dedicated partners who contribute not only funding but also time, knowledge and ideas to our work. We are grateful to all our funders, donors, volunteers, and sponsors for helping us create a healthy waterfront that clean, green, accessible, connected, open, useable, diverse, affordable and attractive.
CAA South Central Ontario
CAA South Central Ontario is a long-time supporter of the Waterfront Regeneration Trust, and co-presenter of the Great Waterfront Trail Adventure, our popular annual awareness cycle tour. CAA’s support has supported the establishment of over 2,600km of mapped, signed cycling routes along Lake Erie, Huron, Georgian Bay, and the North Channel. As co-presenter for the annual Great Waterfront Trail Adventure, CAA Bike Assist, a CAA member bike service, much like roadside assistance for cars gives participants excellent mechanical and shuttle service throughout the multi-day event. Together the Trail expansion and promotion are building Ontario’s reputation as a premier cycling destination and giving Ontarians and visitors a magnificient cycling experience.
Greenbelt to Great Lakes – Connecting 3,000km of Extraordinary Coastal and Country Cycling to Sustainability.
The Waterfront Regeneration Trust is proud to partner with the Greenbelt Foundation. Together we are creating a network of cycling routes throughout the Greater Toronto Bioregion and watershed to promote the protection and conservation of our Great Lakes coast and protected countryside. The goal of the project is to contribute to the Greenbelt’s Rural Economy by developing the Greenbelt Route and Great Lakes Waterfront Trail as a premier cycle tourism experience, increase opportunities for the public to cycle the Greenbelt Route, connect with the Greenbelt and support the conservation of ecological and agricultural lands and a sustainable rural economy. Our partnership began with establishing the Greenbelt Route with 27 community partners. Since the Greenbelt Route’s launch in 2015, we have established 1400 km of signed connections between the two award-winning systems. In addition, we develop resources and planning tools for cyclists and trail users to experience both landscapes. You can see these here: Great Lakes to Greenbelt cycling itineraries.
The Greenbelt Foundation is the only organization solely dedicated to ensuring the Greenbelt remains permanent, protected, and prosperous. The Foundation operates as an independent, charitable organization, and receives core funding from the Government of Ontario as well as other public and private support to make strategic investments that enhance and improve the systems and productivity of the Greenbelt. Since 2005, the Foundation has funded and leveraged more than $100 million through investment in its interconnected natural, agricultural, and economic systems, to ensure a working, thriving Greenbelt for all. Now a world-class model for land use policy, Ontario’s Greenbelt spans over two million acres of protected natural landscapes, farmlands, and urban river valleys. For more information, visit: