With a generous grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation, the Waterfront Regeneration conducted an 18-month trail-wide strategic planning process.

What emerged from stakeholder consultations and the strategic planning process was an expanded vision for a province-wide Great Lakes Waterfront Trail extending from the eastern border of Ontario to the northwest, and an ambitious framework of strategic directions and action priorities corresponding to that expanded vision.

It has been a gratifying process for the Waterfront Regeneration Trust and Staff, and our partners who rallied to the call, as they always seem to. Together we created a plan that reaffirms the core values and standards for Trail development which have guided the Trust from its inception, while setting out plans for partnership and network development, promotion, communications and fund developed that will make it possible to fully realize the original vision of a province-wide trail that is ‘complete and connected’ across the entire St. Lawrence River and Great Lakes waterfront in Ontario.


Our vision is a continuous Great Lakes Waterfront Trail stretching from the eastern border of Ontario to the northwest, incorporating all of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River waterfront in Ontario.

Rooted in the principles that have guided the development of the Waterfront Trail from its beginnings in 1992 we envision a Great Lakes Waterfront Trail that is ‘complete and connected,’ an integral part of each ecosystem it passes through, enhancing the environment, economy, society and history of every community that participates in the development and use of the Trail.


Working with all levels of government, municipal partners, the private sector, communities and individuals, the WRT brings people, ideas and resources together to regenerate waterfront and complete the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail.

In supporting the continuous enhancement of the existing Trail and the development of new parts of the Trail, the work of WRT is guided by the nine principles that frame our commitment to building a healthy waterfront along the entire shoreline of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River in Ontario. In all aspects of our work we strive for a Great Lakes waterfront that is clean, green, connected, accessible, affordable, open, useable, diverse and attractive.