The Great Lakes Waterfront Trail is the beginning of many wonderful regional loops created by our community partners. While cycling is the chief trail use, there are some wonderful hiking experiences as well. Some of our favourites are listed below.
Cornwall and Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry
Approximately a 5hr drive east of Toronto, Cornwall and SDG have created 19 cycle routes (loop and out and back) to showcase the region’s culinary specialties, craft alcohol, heritage and landscape. Ranging from 10 to 72 km, there is something for everyone. Routes 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15 and 17 use the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail. Download Ride with GPS routes or the pdf map guide.
Hamilton – HamBur Loop
The Great Lakes Waterfront Trail in Hamilton and Burlington now includes the HamBur Loop, a 50 kilometre route offering recreational cyclists a great touring option for taking in some of the area’s most stunning waterfronts and scenic lookouts. Using mainly pathways, rail corridors and gravel trails, the route is perfect for bikes with wider touring or hybrid tires. Cycle-friendly restaurants and hotels are conveniently located right on the route, making it easy for the not-so-serious cyclist to explore the route over a few days at a more leisurely pace. See pages the maps below.
Lennox Addington County (Greater Napanee, Loyalist)
About 2 hours from Toronto and Ottawa and 3 hours from Montreal, L&A County Trails include twelve well-marked and easily accessible looping routes with 600 km of paved roadway. Using the Waterfront Trail are: B-Napanee River (24km), D-Shoreline Route (71 km), E-Hay Bay (44km), K-Amherstview (24km). [Lake Ontario and Hay Bay]
Northumberland County
(Port Hope, Cobourg, Alnwick/Haldimand) –about 90 minutes east of the Toronto area. Rolling hills, pristine forests and crystal clear waters make Northumberland County a natural – a top outdoor adventure destination. There’s so much open space to explore. We’ve got the meandering cycling trails and routes to prove it. [Lake Ontario and Rice Lake]
Durham Cycle Tours
14 fantastic cycling loops that include the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail (off-road from Pickering to Oshawa!) and the Greenbelt Route. It describes over 700 km of cycling! Download GPS and PDF versions of the map at
Hikers will love the Durham Region Trails Guide filled with great walks in the Durham area including the Trans Canada Trail and Great Lakes Waterfront Trail. Check out the interactive map here.
Niagara and Greater Niagara Circle Route
140km loop that follows Lake Ontario, the Niagara River, Lake Erie and the Welland Canal system. Check out Niagara Cycle and Stay–a group of B and Bs who will move your gear ahead to the next stop. Visit the Niagara Cycling Tourism Centre for info on routes, accommodations, rentals
Essex County and Windsor
Tourism Essex Windsor Pelee Island developed an excellent cycle tourism map for the region which offers several excellent riding itineraries in the area:
Essex County-wide Active Transportation Cycling Map: An excellent printed map is also available at local recreation centers, municipal offices, and libraries.
Essex County-
Haldimand County
About 90 minutes west of Toronto. Six looped routes take throughout scenic Haldimand– provincial parks, conservation areas, Lake Erie and the Grand River. The following routes include the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail: Yellow-Lowbanks Tour (47km loop), Blue-River Route (69km loop), Orange-Lakeview Tour (70 km) and Teal-Great Lakes Waterfront Trail (95 km linear). The map shows parking, washrooms, restaurants.
Elgin County
Explore the beautiful trails and parks by biking, walking, hiking, jogging, and cross-country skiing throughout Elgin County. The comprehensive map shows over 5 cycling loops that include the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail along Lake Erie. For more information and to order your map, visit:
St. Thomas and Four Ports Tour
This four-day journey, takes you along quiet rural roads and the Waterfront Trail, down Lake Erie’s northern shoreline and through four heritage fishing ports and expanses of farmland. For more information visit:
Total Distance: 184 km. See the map.
Cycle Simcoe
Simcoe County highlights the several cycling routes within the region of Ontario’s Lake Country. From flat and family-friendly routes, to a challenging and hill filled 92k, check out their extensive library of great cycling, many featuring the Great Lakes Waterfront Trail. Simcoe is in South Georgian Bay, located only 90 minutes north of Toronto. Click here for Maps and more information.
Sarnia and Lambton County
Looping through Lambton-on a 3 or 4 day, 166 km, or 262 km (with optional Grand Bend route extension) self-guided trip. Daily Ride Distance Average: 56 km Experience Level: Moderate to experienced. Ride with GPS Routing provided. Developed by Ontario by Bike with support from Ontario’s West Coast.